Aneesh Vempaty

Full Stack Developer

Passionate about creating elegant, efficient, and user-friendly web applications.





"LinkedIn for Nannys." A web application designed with the goal of connecting parents with certified and highly-rated nannies for different childcare services.


An interactive web application that uses Spotify API for sharing music. The application looks similar to Instagram for desktop and contains a user base, song collection, and ability to listen to music.


A 3D immersive virtual reality puzzle game created through Unity. The player spawns in a maze and must manipulate gravity in order to find the exit. The game takes use of a virtual reality device.

Tech News Bot

A discord bot that sends everyday news on latest technology and software.


A website that takes advantages of Uber's Surge API and stores into into a cloud database. The data is then manipulated to show trends and possibly predict surge variations through the day.

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